I am always doing that which I cannot do,
in order that I may learn how to do it.
-Pablo Picasso
None meets harm who knows his capacity.
-Idries Shah
Who never wins can rarely lose,
Who never climbs as rarely falls.
-John Greenleaf Whittier
Whatever you have in you mind - forget it;
whatever you have in your hand - give it;
whatever is to be your fate - face it.
-Abu Sa'id
Actions speak louder than words
but not nearly as often.
-Mark Twain
The empty word needs the louder sound
-The Oculatum

Life is to be lived, not spent.
-Jerome K. Jerome

Too low they build
who build beneath the stars.
-Edward Young
Doing easily what others find difficult is talent;
doing what is impossible with talent is genius.
-Henri Frederic Amiel
A thing is mighty big
when time and distance cannot shrink it.
-Zora Neale Hurston
The space between things 
is always deeper than it is wide.
-William Douglas Horden
Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way
in order to come back a short distance correctly.
-Edward Albee
The noble require not recognition.
-The Oculatum
The pure voice need not whisper.
-The Oculatum
The pride of the cup is in the drink,
Its humility in the serving.
What, then, do its defects matter.
-Dag Hammarskjold
On the outside of things seek for differences;
on the inside, for likenesses.
-Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare
First appearance deceives many.
Those drinking from the mirage do not know the thirst
of those who return to the oasis.
-William Douglas Horden
Love the pitcher less and the water more.
-Sufi Saying
We all live under the same sky,
but we don't all have the same horizon.
-Konrad Adenauer

The excursion is the same
when you go looking for your sorrow
as when you go looking for your joy.
-Eudora Welty

Force without wisdom
falls of its own weight.
It is easy to be heavy;
it is hard to be light.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
One should be light like a bird,
and not like a feather.
-Paul Valery
Let us honor if we can
The vertical man
Though we value none
But the horizontal one.
-W. H. Auden
I try to arrange my life to myself,
and not myself to my life.
Without inspiration
the best powers of the mind lay dormant,
there is a fuel in us
that needs to be ignited with sparks.
-Johann Gottfried von Herder
The heart feels
and the head compares.
-Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand
There are three things we cry about in life:
things that are lost, things that are found,
and things that are magnificent.
-Doug Coupland
What is essential does not die
but clarifies.
-Thornton Wilder
Obstinacy in a bad cause 
is but constancy in a good.
-Thomas Browne
There is nothing valuable
except what we value in life.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Keep your mind on the things you want
and off the things you don't want.
-Hannah Whitall Smith
Nothing erases unpleasant thoughts more effectively
than concentration on pleasant ones.
-Hans Selye
You can do anything in this world
if you're prepared to take the consequences.
-W. Somerset Maugham
It is not possible to choose the frame of our destiny.
But what we put into it is ours.
-Dag Hammarskjold
Excessive sorrow laughs.
Excessive joy weeps.
-William Blake
Justice limps along,
but gets there all the same.
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm,
you'll never enjoy the sunshine.
-Morris West
To drink is a small matter.
To be thirsty is everything.
-George Duhamel
Only plain things have real taste.
-Zen Saying
One gets to the heart of the matter
by a series of experiences 
in the same pattern, but in different colots.
-Robert Graves
All change is not growth
as all movement is not forward.
-Ellen Glasgow
Be still, sad heart,
and cease repining;
Behind the clouds
the sun is still shining.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Patience is twofold:
patience in the face of what you dislike,
and patience in the absence of what you like.
-Harat 'Ali
The heart of a man
is made to reconcile
the most glaring contradictions.
-David Hume
There is apparently no surer way 
of turning a thing into its opposite
as by exaggerating it.
-Eric Hoffer
As long as man stands in his own way
everything seems to be in is way.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The world is wide,
and I will not waste my life in friction
when it could be turned into momentum.
-Frances Willard
It isn't where you came from,
it's where you're going that counts.
-Ella Fitzgerald
Man can only learn to rise
from the consideration of that which he cannot surmount.
-Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
Man, if he compares himself
to all that he can see,
is at the zenith of his power;
but if he compare himself
with all that he can conceive,
he is at the nadir of weakness.
-Caleb Charels Colton
Only those who will risk going too far
can possibly find our how far one can go.
-T. S. Eliot
A mixture separates
when not kept in motion.
Be like the fountain that overflows,
not like the cistern than merely contains.
-Paul Coelho
We are not one nor the other but all
-The Oculatum
We think in generalities,
but we live in detail.
-Alfred North Whitehead
The heights charm us, but the steps do not;
with the mountain in our view
we love to walk the plains.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There is never full knowledge
until there is perfect love.
-Saint Bernard

To what a degree the same past 
can leave different marks -
and especially admit of different interpretations.
-Andre Gide
The exit is usually
where the entrance was.
-Stanislaw Lec
Any powerful idea
is absolutely fascinating 
and absolutely useless
unless you put it to work.
-Richard Bach
Life leaps up like a geyser
for those who drill through the rock of inertia.
-Alexis Carrel
Who are we not to shine?
-Nelson Mandela
Without analysis,
no synthesis.
-Friedrich Engels
We should be too big to take offense
and to noble to give it.
-Abraham Lincoln
You never change things
by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model
that makes the existing model out of date.
-R. Buckminster Fuller
Men are disturbed not by things that happen,
but by their opinion of the things that happen.

If life told us the answer
it would take our freedom away from us.
-Huston Smith
And the heart that is soonest awake to the flowers
is always the first to be touch'd by the thorns.
-Thomas Moore
He who is looking for a reward
is smaller than his reward;
he who has renounced a thing
has risen above it.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
It is not what you look at that matters,
it's what you see.
-Henry David Thoreau
One does not throw away gold
because the bag that holds it is dirty.
One is never afraid of the unknown:
one is afraid of the known coming to an end.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
All the ill that is in us
comes from fear,
and all the good from love.
-Eleanor Farjeon
Do not weep;
do not wax indignant.
-Benedict Spinoza

The man who is swimming against the stream 
knows the strength of it.
-Woodrow Wilson
Pessimism feeds off the past.
optimism dines out on the future.
-Lyn Birkbeck
When you get there,
there isn't any there there.
-Gertrude Stein
There's something woefully lacking
in any fragmentary approach to life,
however intriguing any single fragment happens to be.
-Deepak Chopra
One does not discover new continents
without consenting to lose sight of the shore
for a very long time.
-Andre Gide
At the darkest moment comes light.
-Joseph Campbell
The mind creates the abyss,
and the heart crosses it.
There is a time to let things happen
and a time to make things happen.
-Hugh Prather
It's not what you've got,
it's what you use that makes the difference.
-Zig Ziglar
Sometimes you have to get to zero
before you know the score.
-Lyn Birkbeck
The tragedy of life
is not that it ends so soon,
but hat we wait so long to begin it.
-W. M. Lewis
A thing is important
if anyone think it important.
-William James
Don't bite till you know
if it's bread or stone.
-Anne Sexton
Don't be confused by surfaces;
in the depths everything becomes law.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
One sees great things from the valley,
only small things from the peak.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
Do not insist the universe
comply with your understanding of it.
-Gary Zukav
One man's void
is another man's plenum.
-Robert Martin Adams
The aspects of things that are important for us are hidden
because of their simplicity and familiarity.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
You lose it if you talk about it.
-Ernest Hemingway
The boughs that bear most
hang lowest.
-David Garrick
Often the best in us springs from the worst in us.
-Andre Gide
No pressure, no diamonds.
-Thomas Carlyle
To reach a port we must sail,
sometimes with the wind,
and sometimes against it,
But we must not drift
or lie at anchor.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
What you really value
is what you miss,
not what you have.
-Jorge Luis Borges
If only we could have two lives:
the first in which to make our mistakes,
which seem as if they have to be made;
and the second in which to profit by them.
-D. H. Lawrence
We've got two lives,
one we're given
and the other we make.
-Mary Chapin Carpenter
We have two lives -
the one we learn with
and the life we live after that.
-Bernard Malamud
Live as if you were living a second time,
and as though you had acted wrongly
the first time.
-Viktor Frankl
The only way around is through.
-Robert Frost
Too much is seldom enough.
-Julius Charles Hare and William Augustus Hare
The hours of folly are measured by the clock,
but of wisdom: no clock can measure.
-William Blake
The universe is wider
than our views of it.
-Henry David Thoreau
Love is not the opposite of hate.
Being whole, love has no opposites.
-Deepak Chopra
A comb both separates and unifies.
-Deng Ming-Dao
Don't compromise yourself.
You are all you've got.
-Betty Ford

When you find yourself in a hole,
stop digging.
-Will Rogers
If you hold to a particular perspective,
you don't have the correct perspective.
-Gunpa Nyingpo
Never cut
what you can untie.
-Joseph Joubert
There is a time for departure
even when there's no certain place to go.
-Tennessee Williams
Love is life.
And if you miss love,
you miss life.
-Leo Buscaglia

An old thing becomes new
if you detach it from
what usually surrounds it.
-Robert Bresson
It is nothing to die.
It's an awful thing
never to have lived.
-Victor Hugo
Never look back
unless you are planning to go that way.
-Henry David Thoreau
The wavering multitude
is divided into opposite factions.
It is better to be united at a distance.
-Germaine de Stael
'Tis impious in a good man
to be sad.
-Edward Young
In life's ledger
there's no such thing
as frozen assets.
-Henry Miller
The mill cannot grind with the water that's past.
-George Herbert
Good humor is the health of the soul;
sadness its poison.
-Leszczynski Stanislaus
Big doors
swing on little hinges.
-W. Clement Stone
If both sides of the coin can be seen,
as it were, at once,
as two sides of a whole,
it is easier to be tolerant
of the views expressed
by those who see but one of them.
-Christmas Humphreys
Talent hits a target no one else can hit;
Genius hits a target no one else can see.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
Who so desires the ocean
makes light of streams.
-Ahmad Ibn-Husayn Al-Mutanabbi
It is not a question
of how much a man knows,

but what use he can make
of what he knows.

-Josiah Gilbert Holland
If some things were different,
other things would be otherwise.
-Frank R. Stockton
We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves;
otherwise we harden.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We dance around in a ring and suppose
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.
-Robert Frost
Love and emptiness in us
are like the sea's ebb and flow.
-Kahlil Gibran
Love, it has been said,
descends more abundantly that it ascends.
-Julius Charles Hare
Make voyages.
Attempt them.
There's nothing else.
-Tennessee Williams
One never gets so far as when 
one doesn't know where one is going.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In actual life a downward movement
may sometimes be made the beginning of an ascent.
-Aldous Huxley
And finds with keen, discriminating sight,
Black's not so black - nor white so very white.
-George Canning
Our earth is round, and, among other things
That means that you and I can hold
completely different 
Points of view and both be right.
-June Jordan
Sometimes when I consider
what tremendous consequences
come from little things...
I am tempted to think
there are no little things.
-Bruce Barton
When you live on a round planet,
there's no choosing sides.
-Wayne Dyer
The greater the obstacle,
the more joy in overcoming it.
The distinctive question for man is:
Is he related to something infinite or not?
That is the telling question of this life.
-Carl Jung
We work to become,
not to acquire.
-Elbert Hubbard
Better keep yourself clean and bright;
you are the window
through which you must see the world.
-George Bernard Shaw
It is never too late to be
what you might have become.
-George Eliot
It is necessary;
therefore, it is possible.  
-G. A. Borghese
There is no such thing as darkness;
only a failure to see.
-Malcolm Muggeridge
We may not arrive at our port
within a calculable period,
but we would preserve the true course.
-Henry David Thoreau
If you want to go east,
don't go west.
The more selfless you are,
the more the self benefits.
-Deng Ming-Dao
Love truth,
pardon error.
A matter that becomes clear
cease to concern us.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Our grand business is not to see
what lies dimly in the distance,
but to do what lies clearly at hand.
-Thomas Carlyle
Well done is better than well said.
-Benjamin Franklin
I do not weep at the world -
I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife.
-Zora Neale Hurston
There is nothing pleasurable
except what is in harmony
with the utmost depths
of our divine nature.

-Heinrich Suso
Winter under cultivation
Is as arable as spring.
-Emily Dickinson
Good and evil 
laugh at each other.
-Susan Sontag
How can any external revelation help me
unless it is verified by internal experience?
-Meister Eckhart
If we open a quarrel 
between the past and the present,
we shall find we have lost the future.
-Winston Churchill
Where the is no truth
there is no peace.
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
You must do the thing
you think you cannot do.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Experience, which destroys innocence,
also leads one back to it.
-James Baldwin
 If the doors of perception were cleansed
everything would appear to man as it is: infinite.
-William Blake
The supernatural
is the natural
not yet understood.
-Elbert Hubbard
When you argue for your limitations,
all you get are your limitations.
-Wayne Dyer
Man is born to live,
not to prepare himself to live.
-Boris Pasternak
Peace and love are always in us,
existing and working,
but we are not always
in peace and and in love.
-Julian of Norwich
Live truth instead of professing it.
-Elbert Hubbard
Whatever you do may seem insignificant,
but it is most important that you do it.
-Mohandas Gandhi
In climbing mountains,
going down is also going forward.
We behold what we are,
and we are what we behold.
-Jan Ruysbroek
It is a funny thing about life;
if you refuse to accept
anything but the best
you very often get it.
-Somerset Maugham
Something we were withholding 
made us weak
Until we found out that it was ourselves.
-Robert Frost
Whether it's the best of times
or the worst of times,
it's the only time we've got.
-Art Buchwald
There is one thing stronger
than all the armies of the world
and that is an idea whose time has come.
Everything is found
within the natural state,
so do not seek elsewhere.
-Padampa Sangye
Only in love
are duality and unity
not in conflict.
-Rabindranath Tagore
I love to be alone.
I never found the companion
that was so companionable as solitude.
-Henry David Thoreau
Human understanding is marvellously enlightened
by daily conversation with men,
for we are, otherwise, 
compressed and heaped up in ourselves,
and have our sight limited to the length of our own noses.
-Michel de Montaigne
We can't put off living
until we are ready.
-Jose Ortega y Gasset
If and but,
life's great impediments!
-Eugenie de Guerin
Time wasted is existence,
used is life.
-Edward Young
A straight oar looks bent in the water.
What matters is not merely that we see things,
but how we see them.
-Michel de Montaigne
To love is to admire with the heart;
to admire is to love with the mind.
-Theophile Gautier
You can find on the outside
only what you possess on the inside.
-Adolfo Montiel Ballesteros
Nothing is more damaging to a new truth
than an old error.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You get tragedy, where the tree,
instead of bending, breaks.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
A thing is complete
when you can let it be.
-Gita Bellin
No question is so difficult to answer
as that to which the answer is obvious.
-George Bernard Shaw
The answer is simple,
but to see it
you need to erase your idea of self
as being separate
from the universe you live in.
-W. Thomas Wolf
Love is not love
Which alters when it alternation finds.
-William Shakespeare
You can't turn back the clock
but you can wind it up again.
-Bonnie Pruden
You aspire to do great things?
Begin with little things.
-Augustine of Hippo
Honor has not to be won;
it must only not be lost.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
In a dark time,
the eye begins to see.
-Theodore Roethke
Time is an illusion
but timing is everything.
-Jamie Sams
There are some things
you learn best in calm,
and some in storm.
-Willa Cather
Love, like death,
changes everything.

-Kahlil Gibran
Complete possession is proved only by giving.
All you are unable to give possesses you.
-Andre Gide
There is nothing like returning
to place that remains unchanged

to find the ways
in which you yourself have changed.
-Nelson Mandela
When things are unclear,
the later are seen in the light of the earlier.
-Hadrat 'Ali
The outward man is the swing door;
the inner man is the still hinge.
-Meister Eckhart
It is very easy to make things difficult
and very difficult to make things easy.
-David Swenson
Nothing is so difficult
but that it may be found out by seeking.
-Jean Racine
Never jump out of the same hole twice.
-Deng Ming-Dao
What separates you from the Truth,
throw it away,
it will vanish anyhow.
-Yunus Emre
For everything you have missed,
you have gained something else;
and for every thing you gain,
you lose something else.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Something we have
and don't need

has to die,
and something we have not
but do need

has to be born.
-Rodney Collin
A timid question
will always receive a confident answer.
-Charles Darling
There are many branches of learning,
but only the one solid tree-trunk of wisdom.
-Henry S. Haskins
Be the chess player,
not the chess piece,
-Ralph Charell
He drew a circle that shut me out -
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout;
But love and I had the wit to win;
We drew a circle that took him in!
-Edwin Markham
We carry within us
the wonders we seek
without us.
-Sir Thomas Browne
The mountain cannot frighten
one who was born on it.
-Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
We are only hindered
by outward things

in so far as we mind them.
-Thomas a Kempis
The way through the world
Is more difficult to find
than the way beyond it.
-Wallace Stevens
The only real tragedy is to suffer
without learning the lesson.
-Emmet Fox
If you fell down yesterday,
stand up today.
-H. G. Wells
Not a drop overflows
and there is no room
for a single drop more.
-Franz Kafka
The wise want love;
and those who love
want wisdom.
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
We see nothing truly
till we understand it.
-John Constable
It is only in the world of objects
that we have time and space and selves.
-T. S. Eliot
Blessed are the flexible
for they shall never be bent out of shape.
Everything you add to the truth
subtracts from the truth.
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn
To every disadvantage
there is corresponding advantage.
-W. Clement Stone
Nothing is a waste of time
if you use the experience wisely.
-Auguste Renoir
Every man takes the limits
of his own field of vision
for the limits of the world.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
Never measure the height of a mountain
until you have reached the top.
Then you will see how low it was.
-Dag Hammarskjold
In the midst of winter,
I finally learned there was in me
an invincible summer.
-Albert Camus
All men's miseries
derive from not being able
to sit quiet in a room alone.
-Blaise Pascal
Seeing through
is rarely seeing into.
-Elizabeth Bibesco
Love means to love that which is unloveable;
or it has no virtue at all.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
What is left
when honor is lost?
-Publilius Syrus
The world is full of cactus
but you don't have to sit on it.
-Will Foley
Either define the moment
or it will define you.
-Walt Whitman
Things are not as we would like them to be.
There is only one way to deal with it,
namely to try and be all right oneself.
-Anna Freud
We may have all come on different ships,
but we're in the same boat now.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nothing is impossible.
Some things are just less likely than others.
-Jonathan Winters
It is the province of knowledge to speak
and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
Earthly things must be known to be loved;
divine things must be loved to be known.
-Blaise Pascal
I make the most of all that comes
and the least of all that goes.
-Sara Teasdale
One extreme produces another.
-Samuel Richardson
A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile
the moment a single man contemplates it,
bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
To love is to admire with the heart;
to admire is to love with the mind.
-Theophile Gautier
Instead of counting your days,
make your days count.
The road of excess
leads to the palace of wisdom.
-William Blake
Don't go through life,
grow through life.
-Eric Butterworth
To oppose something is to maintain it.
-Ursula G. LeGuin
Endurance must conquer,
where force could not reach.
-George MacDonald
He that would live in peace
and at ease,
must not speak all he knows
nor judge all he sees.
-Benjamin Franklin
You attitude, not not aptitude,
will determine your altitude.
-Zig Ziglar
Everything is excess
is opposed to nature.
The entire root of your problem
is that you cannot get outside of yourself.
-Francis Fenelon
Nothing divides so much
as one thought.
-R. H. Blyth
When you find nothing to oppose,
there is nothing that can oppose you.
-Stephen Mitchell
And finds with keen, discriminating sight,
Black's not so very black - nor white so very white.
-George Canning
I am an optimist.
It does not seem to be much use
being anything else.
-Winston Churchill
Drag your thoughts
away from your troubles...
it's the healthiest thing a body can do.
-Mark Twain

I have no time to be in a hurry.
-Henry David Thoreau
A golden mind stoops not
to shows of dross.
-William Shakespeare
Forethought spares afterthought.
-Amanda E. Barr
Excess always carries
 its own retribution.
Where there's no gardener,
there's no garden.
-Steven Covey
One sees great things from the valley;
only small things from the peak.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
The hand cannot reach
higher than does the heart.
-Orison Swett Marden
Nothing human is alien to me.
Things are as they are
because they were as they were.
-Thomas Gold
...like trying to stop an echo
by shouting at it.
We cannot improve disagreeable things
by making ourselves disagreeable.
-Christian Larson
The wrong way 
always seems the more reasonable.
-George Moore
We cannot alter the facts,
but we can alter our ways
of looking at them.
-Dorothy L. Sayers
Dignity is not negotiable.
-Vartan Gregorian
While they were saying
among themselves
it cannot be done,
it was done.
-Helen Keller

Falsehoods not only disagree with truths,
but usually quarrel among themselves.
-Daniel Webster
I tried to obtain by effort
that which I could only obtain
by ceasing all effort.
-Madame Guyon
Never try to leap
from a standstill.
-Mason Cooley
Look at a person's light,
not their lampshade.
-Gerald Jampolsky
Each particle of creation
sings its own song
of what is, of what is not.
The wise hear what is.
Silence is the shield of the ignorant
and the protection of the wise.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The price of anything
is the amount of life
you exchange for it.
-Henry David Thoreau
A man must see before he can say.
-Henry David Thoreau
What is deep
seen with depth,
is surface.
-Antonio Porchia
You can have no inner peace
as long as the controls of your life
are located outside yourself.
-Wayne Dyer
To see far is one thing,
going there is another.
-Constantin Brancusi
Alleged "impossibilities" are opportunities 
for capacities to be stretched.
-Charles H. Swindoll

We are not going around in circles,
we are going upwards.
The path is spiral.
-Hermann Hesse
We achieve our deepest progress
standing still.
-Sue Monk Kidd
Everything that deceives
may be said to enchant.
It is wise to disclose
what cannot be concealed.
-Johann Friedrich von Schiller
If you gaze for long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Will is to grace
as the horse is to the rider.
-Saint Augustine
Every morning when I get up
I have two alternatives -
to be happy or not to be happy.
I always choose to be happy.
People ought to do
what they want to do,
what else are they alive for?
-James Baldwin
 I am not afraid of storms
for I am learning how to sail my ship.
-Louisa May Alcott
Attitude is a little thing
that makes a big difference.
-Winston Churchill
Things that are not eternal
are already out of date.
-C. S. Lewis
 The absence of alternatives
clears the mind marvellously.
-Henry Kissinger
Slight not what's near
though aiming at what's far.
A good edge is good for nothing 
if it has nothing to cut.
-Thomas Fuller
To put everything in balance is good,
to put everything in harmony is better.
-Victor Hugo
The art of living
lies in a fine mingling
of letting go
and holding on.
-Havelock Ellis
Joys impregnate.
Sorrows bring forth.
-William Blake
Carpe diem!
Rejoice while you are alive;
enjoy the day;
live life to the fullest,
make the most of what you have.
It is later than you think.
More valuable than treasures in a storehouse
are treasure of the body,
and the treasures of the heart
are the most valuable of all.
What matters in life is not what happens to you
but what you remember and how you remember it.
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The tighter you squeeze,
the less you have.
-Zen Saying
For the person who has let go and let be,
nothing can ever get in the way again.
-Meister Eckhart
If your mind isn't clouded
by unnecessary things,
this is the best season
of your life.
Don't be fooled by the calendar.
There are only as many days in the year
as you make use of.
-Charles Richards
I am not afraid...
I was born to do this.
-Joan of Arc
Ignorance is bold
and knowledge reserved.
Everything is simpler than you think
and more complex than you imagine.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The man who is swimming against the stream
knows the strength of it.
-Woodrow Wilson
The burden which is well borne
becomes light.

The years teach much
which the days never knew.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The secret of seeing things as they are
is to take off our colored spectacles.
In youth we learn,
in age we understand.
-Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
No man is rich enough
to buy back his past.
-Oscar Wilde
Sometimes the best way 
to hold on to something
is to let it go.
The bird that flutters least
is longest on the wing.
-William Cowper
Since nothing is so secret or hidden
that it cannot be revealed,
everything depends on the discovery
of those things that manifest the hidden.
It is sometimes the man who opens the door
who is the last to enter the room.
-Elizabeth Bibesco
Enjoy present pleasures
in such a way
as not to injure future ones.
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Knowledge is one thing.
Virtue is another.
-William Blake
Nothing is too wonderful to be true.
-Michael Faraday
One can never consent to creep
when one feels the impulse to soar.
-Helen Keller
The way you are
is not a result of what has happened to you,
it's the result
of what you decide to keep inside of you.
I refuse to be contained
within my hat and boots.
-Walt Whitman
Decide that you want it
more than you are afraid of it.
-Bill Cosby
Storms make oaks take deeper roots.
-George Herbert
Inside yourself or outside,
you never have to change what you see,
only the way you see it.
-Thaddeus Golas
You can't push a wave 
onto the shore
any faster than the ocean
brings it in.
-Katharine Mansfield
Force is all-conquering,
but its victories are short-lived.
-Abraham Lincoln

Everything that we see is a shadow
cast by that which we do not see.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you want to make beautiful music,
you must play
the black and the white notes together.
-Richard Nixon
All know that the drop merges into the ocean,
but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.
If a man would move the world,
he must first move himself.
The greatest events -
they are not our loudest but our stillest hours.
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Heard melodies are sweet,
but those unheard are sweeter.
-John Keats
Each of us literally chooses
by his way of attending to things
what sort of universe
he shall appear to himself to inhabit.
-William James
The difference between what we do
and what we are capable of doing
would suffice to solve  most of the world's problems.
-Mohandas Gandhi
You can't always control the wind,
but you can always control your sails.
-Anthony Robbins
If conditions were new,
you would not be new,
but if you were new,
conditions would be new.
-Vernon Howard
There are no shortcuts 
to any place worth going.
-Beverly Sills
Consequence brings great learning.
-The Oculatum
As if you could kill time
without injuring eternity.
-Henry David Thoreau
The mind is host,
the body guest.
-Zen Saying
The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The only limits are,
as always,
those of vision.
-James Broughton
For the more a man limits himself,
the nearer he is on the other hand to what is limitless.
-Stefan Zweig
Beyond a certain point there is no return.
This point has to be reached.
-Franz Kafka
There will be a time when you believe everything is finished.
That will be the beginning.
-Louis L'Amour
What one is,
Why may not millions be?
-William Wordsworth
Footfalls echo in the memory
down the passage which we did not take
towards the door we never opened
into the rose-garden.
-T. S. Eliot
Don't waste yourself in rejection,
nor bark against the bad,
but chant the beauty of the good.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
In order to see,
you have to stop being in the middle of the picture.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Be thine own palace,
or the world's thy jail.
-John Donne
Is not life a thousand times too short
for us to bore ourselves?
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Anyone can hold the helm
when the sea is calm.
-Publilius Syrus
Minor things can become moments of great revelation
when encountered for the first time.
-Margot Fonteyn
When the ship does not yield to the rudder,
it yields to the rock.
-Anatole France
Don't cry because it's over,
smile because it happened.
When the heart weeps
for what it has lost,
the spirit laughs
for what it has found.
-Sufi Saying
By ignorance the truth is known.
-Heinrich Suso
The more sand that has escaped
from the hourglass of  our life,
the clearer we should see through it.
-Niccolo Machiavelli
It's no use waiting
for your ship to come in
unless you have sent one out.
There will come a time
when you believe
everything is finished.
That will be a beginning.
-Louis L'Amour
What the caterpillar calls
the end of the world,
the Master calls a butterfly.
-Richard Bach
I must continually change
in order to remain myself.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Only the hand that erases
can write the true thing.
-Meister Eckhart
Everything will be okay in the end.
If it's not okay, it's not the end.
-John Lennon
Enjoy the little things in life,
for one day you may look back
and realize they were the big things.
-Antonio Smith
Without accepting the fact
that everything changes,
we cannot find perfect composure.
-D. T. Suzuki
We must learn that
the same thing can be viewed
from a hundred different viewpoints
and yet be the same thing.
No bird soars too high
if he soars with his own wings.
-William Blake
Nothing would be done at all
if one waited until one could do it so well

that no one could find fault with it.
-John Henry Cardinal Newman
Why stay we on the earth
except to grow?
-Robert Browning
Man best cleans up the world's wrongs
by sweeping his own doorstep.
-Frederick Bailes
The higher we soar
the smaller we appear
to those who cannot fly.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
One day your life will flash before your eyes.
make sure it is worth watching.
What you leave behind
is not what is engraved in stone monuments
but what is woven into the lives of others.
Many a life is long in years but meager in fruits,
and many a life is short in years but rich in fruits.
-Ibn Ata'Illah